Presented by: Sri Hendrawati,M.Pd
School : SD Negeri Cihaurgeulis 2 Bandung
Theme : Animals
Topic : Whole Numbers
Grade/ Semester : 1/ 1
Time Allocation : 4 x 35 minutes
A. Standard Competence
1. Math : Addition and subtraction of number (0-5).
2. Art : Expressing our self using art.
3. Music : Singing “children song” in individually, groups, or
4. Language : - Listening : Understanding phonics, instruction, and
- Writing : Beginning writing by using bold, imitating,
completing and copying way.
B. Basic Competence
1. Math : Solving problem using addition and subtraction of number
2. Art : Expressing our self using cutting technique.
3. Music : Singing “children song”.
4. Language : - Listening : Differentiating various phonics.
- Writing : Making a copy of various objects, circles,
and letters.
C. Learning Objective
1. Students making an animal pictures using copying and cutting technique.
2. Students will “guess and check” to use manipulative to help them solve word
D. Problem solving strategies
• Guess and check
• Use manipulative materials
• Use logical thinking
• Act out the problem
• Guess and check can be very effective problem solving tool for primary
students. In this activity, students are able to solve word problems by
manipulating animal pictures. They are able to try out different
combinations of animals until they find the one that correctly meets all of
the clues.
E. Classroom Management
• Each student will need a collection of animal pictures (cow, sheep, and
horse). The number of ranch areas needed by students depends on which
problem the teacher doing.
• There are problem situations provided for totals five animals on the
ranch.The teacher selected those problems that most appropriate for students.
• Teacher makes several copies of the large ranch page using manila paper.
F. Learning Experiences
1. Introduction Activity
•Teacher ask the students about their activities on last Sunday, such as
“What were you doing on last Sunday?”and “Where were you going?”
•The teacher tells the students that there is many people’s activity on
•Teacher tell the story about activity on holiday (riding a horse carriage/
delman) that related to the song below.
Naik Delman (Riding a horse carriage)
Pada hari Minggu ku turut ayah ke kota
Naik delman istimewa ku duduk di muka
Ku duduk samping pak kusir yang sedang bekerja
Mengendali kuda supaya baik jalannya
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak suara sepatu kuda…
• Teacher shows the picture of horse to the students. The students look at the
picture and answer the question about the picture (the question that the
teacher give to the student focuss on the horse, such as: “How many legs
does the horse have?, “Where is the horse live?” )
• Teacher tells the students the learning objective and the theme that they
will learn for this day.
2. Main Activity
Part One (Classical activity)
• Teacher tells the students that they will be acting out some problems that
the teacher give them by pretending to be a rancher in a ranch who has three
different animals, there are sheep, horse and cow.
• Select the students to come to the front of the class. Tell them that they
are the will be doing a role playing. The teacher will acting likes a
rancher, and the students will acting like animals (sheep, cow and horse).
The teacher wearing rancher’s hat and the students wearing the cow’s hat,
horse’s hat and sheep’s hat.
• The rancher read the clue from one of the word problems. Example: First clue
is “there are five animal in the ranch”, the second clue is “there are three
horses”, so the three of students wearing the horse’s hat will step forward
into the page area (ranch area). And the last clue is “the number of cows
and sheep is equal”, so let the students solve this problem to find how
many student who become a cows and sheep step forward into the page area.
• When all of the clues have been read and the students are in order, read
through all of the clues a second time to verify that the order matches.
Make any necessary adjustments.
• Repeat this process with additional word problems allowing different
students to be animals.
Part Two (Groups Activity)
• Teacher grouping the students into several groups (depens on the number of
students in the class), there are four students each groups.
• Give each groups a copy of the animal pictures (horse, cow, and sheep). The
student make a copy of animal (five copy for each animal). The student cut
the animal picture and coloring them.
• Explain that they will be acting as a rancher. Remind them that there will
always be at least one animal in the ranch area.
• Read several different word problems out loud to the class. Teacher may
also wish to write the key parts of the clues on the chalkboard.
• Read the clues as many times as students need. Once everyone has arrived at
a solution, go through the clues together as a class and determine the
correct answer.
• If students have incorrect answer, teacher should try to help them determine
where they went wrong in their thinking.
3. Closing Activity
• Some of the student’s groups will presenting the collection of five animals
in the ranch pages. Teacher will ask the students about the way they find
out a solution for the problrm solving. Teacher helps the students who do
not understand instruction by simplify the sentence or represent with
another familiar words to the students.
• Reflection: Teacher asks student about today’s activities.
1.How many times did you have to guess before you got the right
2.Did you have to guess more or fewer times as you had more practice with
the problems?
3.How did having the animals pictures help you solve the word problem.
4.Do you think you would have been able to get the right answer if you
hadn’t had the animals? Why or why not?
5.Was it easier to solve the problems with your own animals or with the
animals at the front of the class?
• Task for homework
“Find a song that contain addition”
G. Teaching and Learning Materials
• Three different animals pictures (sheep, horse, cow).
• Manila paper for making the ranch area.
• Worksheet paper.
H. Assessment
• Prosedure Test : Project
• Instrument Test : Worksheet
Word Problems for Five animals in the ranch:
Problem number 1
• There are three sheeps
• The number of cow and horse is equal
• There are five animal in the ranch
Problem number 2
• There are five animals in the ranch.
• The number of sheeps is equal to the number of horse.
• There are fewer cow than there are sheeps
Problem number 3
• The number of sheep is less than the number of horse.
• There is one cow.
• There are five animal in the ranch.
Yogyakarta, Juli 18th 2011
Mathematics Teacher,
Sri Hendrawati

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